A FEW projects + clients

Want to know more about a project? Just ask.


HR | Tech Talent Platform

COMPANY Get With www.getwith.io
PROJECTS Web copy + structure, sales deck, other marketing communications
OBJECTIVES Create brand voice + make this very cool and unique company stand out for its authenticity and smarts.


Global Payroll Technology

COMPANY ADP Streamline
PROJECTS Brochures, video scripts, sales collateral, newsletters and other content
AIM Educate and engage the company’s B2B audience and internal teams.


Visual Search App

PROJECTS Web copy, video storyboard, product messaging, tagline, app store copy
AIM Communicate clearly about what the product does and generate excitement for the brand launch.


Education Technology

COMPANY E1 e1technology.com
PROJECTS Web structure + copy, company messaging, LinkedIn content
AIM Launch brand and inspire C-level
candidates to join the team.


Branding for Classical Music

COMPANY Molina Visuals molinavisuals.com
PROJECTS Messaging + content for an orchestra mahlerchamber.com and
concert hall boulezsaal.de
OBJECTIVES Transmit the the uniqueness, creativity and talent of amazing musicians.


Logistics App + Platform

COMPANY stuart.com
PROJECTS Company messaging,
web copy, sales collateral
AIM Create brand messaging and
launch brand to B2B + B2C audience


Documentary Film

COMPANY UpNorth upnorthfilm.no
PROJECTS Film synopses and festival applications, marketing materials
AIM Clarify film treatments, generate buzz and win spots at international festivals.


Online Gaming

COMPANY slotsmillion.com
PROJECTS Messaging, web
structure and copy
AIM Rebrand website,
clarify brand messaging.


Online Food Brands + Logistics

COMPANY Not So Dark notsodark.com
PROJECTS Key messaging, web structure
+ content, team handbook
AIM Build brand + communications from zero.


Skincare App + Products

COMPANY skincoach.com
PROJECTS Email campaigns, blog posts
and social media assets
AIM Engage, educate and generate leads.


Social FinTech App

COMPANY shares.io
PROJECTS Messaging + website
AIM Launch company, generate buzz


Farm-to-Office Smart Fridge

COMPANY fraiche.io
PROJECTS Messaging + website
AIM Laucnch + generate buzz.



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